In line with the additional precautionary measures announced by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) will implement a mandatory 14-day stay-home notice (SHN) with effect from 18 February 2020, 23:59 hours. SHN applies to all work pass holders entering or returning to Singapore with travel history to mainland China (outside Hubei1) within the last 14 days. 2 Work pass holders currently on a mandatory 14-day leave of absence (LOA) will continue to serve out their LOA under conditions set out earlier by MOH and MOM2.
Work pass holders who have been put on a SHN shall not leave their place of residence. They should monitor their health closely and seek medical attention immediately if they develop any fever or symptoms of acute respiratory illness such as cough or shortness of breath.
Work pass holders on SHN can make their own arrangements to procure their daily necessities, such as meals and daily essentials. This could include requesting their house or dormitory mates to help procure these for them, or ordering home delivery services. Employers are responsible to ensure that their work pass holders on SHN can obtain meals and other daily essentials. If the work pass holder is unable to make his own arrangements, the employer will have to make the necessary arrangements. If support from employers is not forthcoming, work pass holders should report their difficulties to MOM.
MOM would like to remind landlords that there is no need for persons under SHN to be segregated and other persons can continue to share the same room/apartment as them, though social interaction and contact should be minimised.
Employers and work pass holders have a joint duty to ensure that the SHN is complied with. MOM reserves the right to take action against the employer or employee if the SHN is breached.
Employers and employees should closely monitor COVID-19-related developments and comply with both the travel and health advisories on the MOH website. Employees are urged to cooperate with their employers.
As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, there may be additional requirements imposed on work pass holders from time to time. While MOM will publicise these requirements widely, it may not be possible to inform every employer or employee directly about each new set of requirements. Employers and employees are strongly advised to check the MOM’s website ( for the latest advisories.
For further queries or clarifications, please contact:
a. Ministry of Manpower
MOM Contact Centre
Online Enquiry via this link:
b. Ministry of Health
MOH General Hotline, Tel: (65) 6325 9220
Online Enquiry via this link: